Welcome to Tantramar Heritage Trust

  • Campbell Carriage Factory Museum

Welcome to our museums!

Both of our museums are now on off-season hours. See our hours and other information below.


To arrange a tour outside these times, please contact us (information listed at the bottom of this page) and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.

About Us

Founded in 1996, the Tantramar Heritage Trust is devoted to the preservation of heritage resources in the Tantramar region of southeastern New Brunswick, Canada.

The Trust owns and operates two museums, maintains a history and genealogy research centre, publishes books on local history, holds events and workshops, and much more.

Visit our museums

Boultenhouse Heritage Centre

Shipbuilding and seafaring, railroads and foundries, domestic life, and an amazing Research Centre. Come visit the oldest house in Sackville, a unique octagonal house, and a shipwright’s mansion, all in one place.

Campbell Carriage Factory Museum

One of the best examples of a 19th century industrial site in North America and the only original carriage factory left in Canada. .

Visit our Research Centre

The Alec R. Purdy History and Genealogy Centre

The Centre contains books, periodicals, newspapers, articles, photographs, and genealogical information on Tantramar history. We welcome researchers, genealogists, and members of the general public to peruse our holdings and share information. Please contact us to make an appointment to visit the Research Centre. We also welcome telephone and email inquiries.

Our latest publication

The Tantramar Heritage Trust’s 39th publication: Indifference and Remissness – English Language Education on the Isthmus of Chignecto 1760s to 1870s by Rhianna H. Edwards was published in November 2023. Drawing upon official government records, local diaries, journals, and account books, as well as newspaper articles and other material, Indifference and Remissness traces the evolution of English-language education in New Brunswick’s parishes of Sackville and Cumberland/Westmorland. The study begins in 1755, after the expulsion of the Acadians, and concludes with the passage of the New Brunswick Common Schools Act in 1871 which provided tuition-free education to all school-aged children.