Charles G. D. Roberts Monument

Sir Charles G.D. Roberts Memorial, adjacent to St. Ann’s Anglican Church, 65 British Settlement Road, Westcock, N.B.


SIR CHARLES G.D. ROBERTS ( 1860 – 1943 )
Monument erected by Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada

Unveiled on Sunday 25 September 2005 by

Hon. Dominic LeBlanc,
Parliamentary Secretary to the Government House Leader,
M.P. for Beauséjour,
representing the Hon. Stéphane Dion, Minister of the Environment

Dr. Charles H.H.Scobie, Chair, Tantramar Historic Sites Committee

Dr. Douglas Lochhead, Poet Laureate of Sackville,
Professor Emeritus of Canadian Studies, Mount Allison University

Father Kevin Stockall, Rector, Anglican Parishes of Sackville and Dorchester


SIR CHARLES G. D. ROBERTS ( 1860-1943 )

Né à Douglas au Nouveau-Brunswick, le poète et écrivain Charles G. D. Roberts passa son enfance ici, près des marais sauvages de Tantramar qui marquèrent profondément son oeuvre. Assises de la poésie anglophone au Canada, ses premiers poèmes inspirèrent une génération d’auteurs: les “poètes de la Confédération”. Roberts vécut à New York, en Europe et à Toronto, s’affirmant comme pionnier de la littérature animalière, éditeur, historien et romancier. Brillant interprète du paysage de Tantramar et de l’histoire du Canada, Roberts fut reconnu de son vivant comme l’un des grands hommes de lettres canadiens.
SIR CHARLES G. D. ROBERTS ( 1860-1943 )

Born in Douglas, New Brunswick, poet and author Charles G. D. Roberts spent his childhood here, near the wind-swept Tantramar Marshes that would inform much of his writing. His early poetry inspired a generation of writers, known as the Confederation Poets, and laid firm foundations for a tradition of Canadian poetry. Later, he lived in New York, Europe and Toronto, becoming widely known as an editor, historian, novelist and pioneer of the animal story genre. A vivid interpreter of the Tantramar landscape and Canadian history, Roberts was recognized during his lifetime as one of Canada’s pre-eminent men of letters.
SeeHamilton, Bill, “‘Carrying’ a Landscape in Literature”, Sackville Tribune-Post, 21 September 2005, p. 5.

Hamilton, Bill, “The View From Westcock Hill: Place names connected to the great poet Sir Charles G.D. Roberts”, The New Brunswick Reader (Telegraph-Journal), 24 September 2005, pp. 8-9.

“Sir Charles G.D. Roberts honoured”, Sackville Tribune-Post, 5 October 2005.

Scobie, C.H.H., Roberts Country: Sir Charles G.D. Roberts and the Tantramar (Sackville, N.B.: Tantramar Heritage Trust, 2008).

Tantramar Heritage Trust | Historic Sites