James R. Inch House

The Dr. James R. Inch House
83 York Street, Sackville, N.B. 
This house was built in 1882 by Dr. James R. Inch on property he had purchased from Dr. Alexander Fleming. In 1854 Dr. Inch had begun teaching at the Mount Allison Academy; he became Vice-Principal of the Ladies College in 1864 and Principal in 1867. In 1891 he was appointed Chief Superintendent of Education for the Province of New Brunswick. This involved moving to Frederition so he sold the house to Dr. Harmon Trueman. The house subseqiently changed hands a number of times. In the 1930s it was the home of Mount Allison professor Dr. Egerton Brecken.The building is L-shaped with the main entrance on the east side. With its steeply pitched roof and exposed rafters it exhibits some features of the Gothic Revival style. The facade facing the street has two one-storey bay windows, with stucco and imitation half-timbering at the upper level. There is a central chimney in decorative red brick. The chimney on the east side of the house is a later addition; at the lower level it is enclosed by a porch.
This building is within the Town of Sackville Municipal Heritage Conservation Area B.

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