Weldon House

Weldon House
24 Main Street, Sackville, N.B. 
This property was known locally as “The Weldon House” after the Dr. Norman Weldon family who lived here from 1940 to 1976. However the house was much older, being probably built in 1858 and occupied by blacksmith Rufus Noiles. The 1862 Walling Map shows a house here owned by “R.Niles” (either a variant or misspelling of “Noiles”). The property was purchased in 1871 by another blacksmith James Robinson who lived here until his death in 1904. After the Weldons the property changed hands several times until it was acquired by Moneris Solutions in August 2002.The one and a half storey structure has a triangular pediment above the front gable and a central entrance with paneled sidelights, features typical of the Greek Revival style popular in the mid-1800s. The dormers each with three 6-paned windows and the main floor bow windows may be later additions.

The property was acquired by neighbouring Moneris Solutions in order to extend their parking area. Appeals were made early in 2003 to save and re-purpose the house in the light of its heritage significance. However, the company decided that the building was not in a fit state to be preserved and it was demolished on 21 July 2003.

Tantramar Heritage Trust | Historic Sites