Yorkshire 2000

What Was Yorkshire 2000?

The Tantramar Heritage Trust was pleased to be the host for Yorkshire 2000, a gathering of the descendants of Yorkshire settlers who immigrated from northern England to Nova Scotia (which at the time included present day New Brunswick) during the period 1772-1775.

Yorkshire 2000 was a celebration of this historic event 225 years after the immigration. It was held August 3-10, 2000, centered on the campus of Mount Allison University, Sackville, N.B., Canada, with events held throughout the New Brunswick/Nova Scotia border area.
Map of the Chignecto Region
For detailed information on the original idea developed by Don Chapman (Mission, BC) please click on the following:
Background to the original proposal

Yorkshire 2000 – A Huge Success

Some 3000 people participated in the wide-ranging events of Yorkshire 2000. For a report see Yorkshire 2000 – A Huge Success.

The Legacy: Publications and Ongoing Studies

A Yorkshire 2000 Legacy Committee, under the Board of the Tantramar Heritage Trust, worked on a series of projects as a legacy to the Yorkshire 2000 gathering. See Publications and Ongoing Studies for further information.

The Legacy: Plaques and Memorials

Steps have already been taken to place historical markers preserving the memory of the Yorkshire settlers. See Plaques and Memorials for further information.

Family Information

For a comprehensive listing of Yorkshire families, ship passenger listing and much more please access the following website developed by Gord Ripley: www.libris.ca/yrkfam/

Ships Information:

For information on the ships which brought the Yorkshire settlers see:

To continue Yorkshire Heritage discussions:

Organizing related to Yorkshire 2000 took place through an email discussion group. That early on-line group is currently evolving into a Facebook social networking group, called: “1770s Yorkshire Migration”.

Anyone interested in on-going exchanges about the general subject of the Yorkshire Migration is welcome as a member. If you wish to participate you will need to become a Facebook participant (no charge), by signing up at: http://www.facebook.com/

Subsequent to becoming a Facebook member and logging into Facebook, you may join the 1770s Yorkshire Migration group by searching for the group name on the Facebook site.

Early Settlement History of Tantramar:

Links to Yorkshire genealogy, etc., in the Chignecto region:

Links to Yorkshire, England, Genealogy, etc.:

Links to the Tantramar Region:

  • www.mta.ca – Mount Allison University.
  • www.sackvilletribunepost.com/ – Online Edition of the Sackville Tribune-Post
  • www.sackville.com – Town of Sackville, N.B.
  • tantramarinteractive.com [deprecated] – links to the Tantramar website which hosts information on the region’s communities, businesses, travel and tourism.
  • tantramar.com/ti/qtvr_gallery.html [deprecated] – for access through the Tantramar site to 360-degree pictures of the Chignecto area.

Links to Tourism Information:

  • Tantramar Tourism Association [deprecated]
  • gnb.ca – link for the Province of new Brunswick or try
  • tourismnbcanada.com for a link directly to NB Tourism [deprecated]
  • www.gov.ns.ca – link for Province of Nova Scotia.
  • www.gov.pe.ca – link for the Province of Prince Edward Island.

Links to the Wesley Websites: